Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Nordic Ond Orgone Generator = Simple Radioincs Device

Orgone Generator = Simple

Radionics Device

What is a Radionics Device? Radionics Science is a gift of the 21st Century Age of Aquarius. Simply speaking, a radionics device is magical in the sense that it allows you to attract and move energies at any distance.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that all is energy. You and I are energy, health is energy, money and love are also energies. All this energy exists in an infinite ocean of thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

Life-Force is the medium that connects the non-physical energies of the Quantum Ocean with the physical reality we live in. Life-force is what we take in with every breath.

Radionics uses life-force as it's medium to perform the magic of attracting health, wealth, and love out of the Quantum Ocean and into your life.

A Radionics Device has three working principles. It has a power source that generates Life-Force, it has a Trend, which is a symbol or a rate of what you wish to attract and a target (photo-you)

The Nordic Orgone Generator is a very simple Radionics device. It's geometrical construction of metallic and non-metallic substances combined with a vibrating DT crystal creates the Life-Force you need.

A Trend could be a Runic Symbol, an Astrological symbol, a Homeopathic Remedy, A Bach Flower Remedy, A Color, A Norse God/Goddess picture or even a hand written word on a piece of paper. The energies for all these trends exist in the Quantum Ocean waiting to be attracted into the physical world, through the science of radionics.

The "Target" is where you want the "Trend" energy to go. You can use a photo, a drop of blood, a strand of hair, a name written on a piece of paper or even an Astrological chart. You can use yourself or anyone else you love, even if they are thousands of miles away.

To use your Nordic Orgone Generator, simply place your photo and a "Trend" symbol (Health, Wealth, Love etc.) under the base and put it in a safe secure place.

Then be patient, the energies you have chosen to enter you life will start from the Quantum Ocean to you. It will enter your Aura and first start to transmute the energies in your Aura that have been stopping health, wealth, and love from manifesting in your Life. No two humans are the same. Therefore the timing factors will be different. Have Patience and Faith.

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50's thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Jealing, Astrology and Occult.

Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Monday, September 29, 2008

How To Use Radionics to Enhance Your Herbs and Vitamins

How To Use Radionics To Enhance Your Herbs/Vitamins

We have just moved into the Age of Aquarius, which means that we are in an entirely new place in our Galaxy. As a solar system we have never been there before. We rotate about the Galactic Sun the same way our Earth rotates around our sun. This is what creates the different ages, We just left the Age of Pisces and will be in the Age of Aquarius for 2000 years.

Already this age has given us three great gifts with many more to follow during the next 1950 years.

This Age of Aquarius will provide us with a much needed new Paradigm On Health. The pioneers are already here or have been here for the past 100 or so years. Bach, Dinshah, Hanhaman, Shcussler, to name a few. On the nee Paradigm of Science we have pioeneers cleaing the trails for us: Reich, Drown, Del A Ware, Lakhovsky and Welz to name a few.

We will be able to apply the three mentioned gifts to all our needs, health, wealth, love and well being.

We can enhance the power of Herbs, Vitamins and Supplements, Cosmetica, etc. by using the Life Force Technology of Karl Welz (radionics).

There are as many methods of working with herbs as there are uses of them. You can use the same methods that are described below as well with supplements, with vitamins, and with products for skin care, hair care, etc.

1. You can charge any herbal tea for a few minutes with life force before drinking it. In addition to that, you can boost the tea with a custom-designed astrological energy that best reflects and enhances the desired effects of the herb.

2. You can put an herbal supplement onto a Karl Welz life force generator with a custom-designed astrological energy before you ingest it.

3. You can charge products of skin care with life force and astrological energies before using it. The time required varies depending on the device and amount charged. Some people can feel it when the product is fully charged. As a rule of thumb: Any small container will be fully charged after 1/2 hour when you put it in front of a JU 99 CE, 10 - 15 minutes when put it onto an AO 2000 Aqua Optimizer. Chi Generators® of the AO series are best for the purpose of charging herbs, supplements, etc.

4. Dissolve supplements in water that has been charged with life force and ingest them with this water. Or simply ingest the supplements together with charged water. Best, of course, is charging both.

Any object that you place on or near a radionics device will be charged with Life Force. It is this force that we take into our lungs with every breath. Without it all life on the planet would die.

The Age of Aquarius is with us. Time to learn all we can about Radionics, Quantum Physics and help build the New Paradigm.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, radionics, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Friday, June 27, 2008

How To Use Radionics + Quantum Physics Part 3

Part 3


What is Radionics? It has been described as magic at a distance; the ability to affect change without any physical contact.

Radionics gives you the power and control to affect changes in your life; right from the comfort of your own home. Or to affect changes in some person place or event 10,000 miles away.

Radionics has been with us for several hundred years. It was the precursor to the sciences of the 'Age of Aquarius' which started about 50 years ago and will last for 1950 more years.

The pre-Age of Aquarius Radionics Scientists were the pioneers. There were many of them. And now thanks to the Internet a gift of the Age of Aquarius you can use the net and download the reference material about them that you wish. To start off with a few names, check out: Delaware, Drown, Abrams, Copen, Reich and Welz.

Every Radionics device, weather it be a simple black box, a hand drawn schematic, a photo on a $5,000. High Tech Radionics device, all have three working principles.

They all need a power source, a treatment and a target.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tells us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. We can also refer to it as the Mind of God.

Everything that ever was, is or will be is in the Quantum Ocean. There is no time nor space there, only the HERE-NOW.

The seemingly separateness of physical beings and objects on the physical plane is caused by the multitude of structures. If everything in our physical universe was of the same identical structure or vibration, there would be only "The One" God.

The connecting link between all physical people, places and events on the physical plane is Life force, Prana, Galama, or Nous.

A Radionics Device uses life force to send messages back and forth from the physical plane to the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God and back.

A Radionics device creates magic at a distance. What happens is this: A Radionics Device takes your wish, intention, treatment connects them with the energies in the Quantum Ocean and brings those energies back to the target on the physical plane. This is weather you, your photo or the photo of someone 1000 miles from you.

All this movement of energy is done through the medium of Life-force of the connecting link of Everything.

The powerful and ever working Cosmic Law (Everything is under Law) of Three is at work in all Radionics Devices.

The Law of Three tells us that whenever you bring two energy fields together a third energy field is created. This energy field is the relationship between the two.

When you bring a power source of Life Force, a Treatment or Intention (wish, thought, prayer) together with a target (photo, signature, hair, or blood) on a Radionics Matrix, be it paper, wood or electronic, the Law of Three takes hold and connects them all.

What you need is a playing field, a Radionics Matrix, a Life-force power supply. This could be Orgonite, Orgone Generator or even a photo of Orgonite or an Orgone Generator. You need a wish, treatment, intention which could be a written command, a symbol, a color, a Homeopathic pill, an aspirin etc.

And finally where you want the energy from the Quantum Ocean to go. A photo, signature, lock of hair, drop of blood of yourself or a loved one.

Once you set it up, your Radionics Device, it will utilize the Law of Three, The Laws of Quantum Physics and the Science of Radionics to send your thoughts, wishes, intentions to the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God 24/7.

You need do nothing but keep a positive attitude (negativity retards or aborts the process) and be patient.

Eventually your wish, thought, desire or intention will manifest into your life.

Thoughts are things. The Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, is always listening. Your Radionics Matrix is your telephone from your mouth to God's ear.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

How To Use Radionics and Quantum Physics Part 2 Mind of God

How To Use Radionics

+ Quantum Physics

To Attract Health, Wealth, and Love

Part 2

Mind of God

Part 1 gave us definitions for the "Age of Aquarius" and the "Laws of Quantum Physics."

The "Laws of Quantum Physics" tell us that there is an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, or the Mind of God.

But that is the effect. What is the Cause? The effect of the Quantum Ocean, is the whole physical and non-physical universes that surround us. Everything that ever was, is or will be is contained in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

As to where this God came from and why he/she/it created the Quantum Ocean is beyond the ken of this article. I should say it is beyond the ken of any book ever written. It is the 'first cause' that the philosophers and religionists have written and argued about from time immemorial. Why is it beyond our understanding? Because we do not have as yet in our present level of consciousness the 'mind' to understand it.

In one way we could say that is the reason why we, mankind, was created. To slowly raise our levels of consciousness so that we will not have to have anyone explain to us who or what the Creator God is. We will know by cognitive perception. We will know because we know.

On a more practical level we do know that the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God does exist. Let us use this knowledge to attract more health, wealth and love into our lives now.

If the true purpose of our existence is to raise our level of consciousness, then ill-health, poverty and unhappiness are burdens that will slow us down in our pursuit of our destiny.

It is foolish to think that ill-health, poverty and unhappiness are divine blueprints in the mind of God that we are to use to grow spiritually and consciously.

Since everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Mind of God, then all the true, Divine blueprints of Health, Wealth, and Happiness exist there. All the man-made blueprints of ill-health, poverty and unhappiness exist there also.

Man through his gift of free will has filled the Quantum Ocean with false blueprints. These false blueprints when energized by the thoughts of man individually and collectively produce the dis-ease, poverty, hatred, negative emotions, and wars present on the planet today.

The sad part is that man individually and collectively does not want dis-ease, poverty and unhappiness. But in his ignorance and lack of discipline and will power he has thought and continually thinks the kind of thoughts that produce dis-ease, poverty and unhappiness.

The primary gift of the "Age of Aquarius" is the knowledge that "Thoughts are Things" and "The Quantum Ocean" responds to our thoughts.

The key to eliminating all disease, poverty and unhappiness from the planet is not to think about them at all. Don't fight them. Just don't think about them. When we think about them we empower them. We actually physically manifest them.

When we individually and collectively stop thinking about dis-ease, poverty and unhappiness, the false made blueprints of them in the Quantum Ocean will remain dormant in the Quantum Ocean.

From this day forward to attract Health, Wealth, and Love out of the Quantum Ocean we must think only of what we WANT. STOP THINKING ABOUT WHAT WE DON'T WANT.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How To Use Radionics + Quantum Physics To Create Health, Walth, Love part 1

Radionics + Quantum Physics

= Health, Wealth and Love

Part One

The Age of Aquarius has given us the tools that not only allow us to understand the Creation of the Universe, but will also allow us to recreate our own Universe, our physical reality. We now have the knowledge and tools to attract more Health, Wealth and Love into our lives 24/7.

What is the Age of Aquarius?

The Age of Aquarius is the name we have given for the new space in the Galaxy we now occupy. Our Solar System orbits, CCW around our Galactic Sun, just as our Earth orbits CW around our Sun.

It takes our Earth one year to make this Orbit. It takes our Solar System, 24,000 years to make one orbit around the Galactic Sun.

We divide our orbit around our Sun into thirty degree slices or "arcs." We have twelve of them representing the twelve Astrological months. We named them starting with Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc.

We did the same with our Galactic Sun. Only now each thirty degree arc lasts 2000 years not approximately thirty days.

We have just recently rotated into the thirty degree arc we call Aquarius. We still have 1950 more years to travel through this arc. We are now in the Age of Aquarius.

What are the Age of Aquarius Gifts to mankind? This new place in space has placed us in a new S.T.E.M. (Space, Time, Energy, Matter) continuum. We have new space, time energy and matter to use to create a better reality for mankind.

The tools are:

The Laws of Quantum Physics

The Science of Radionics

The Science of Orgone Generation

The Science of Mental Radionics

The Science of Photo Psychometry

These are just a few of the Gifts the Age of Aquarius has presented to us. We have 1950 more years to traverse this arc.

What wonders do we have in store for us? No more dis-ease; no more poverty; no more wars: interplanetary travel; extra terrestrial visitors?

There is an old axiom that says, "What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve."

Now with the Laws of Quantum Physics, each one of us can recreate our individual realities to attract more Health, Wealth, and Love into our lives Now.

The Laws of Quantum Physics

In simple easy to understand layman's language 'The Laws of Quantum Physics' tell us:

There exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy we call the Quantum Ocean, It is also known as 'The Mind of God.'

There is no time in the Quantum Ocean, no past, present nor future. There is only the 'NOW'. There is no space in the Quantum Ocean only the 'HERE.' There fore everything that exists in our known Universes including you and I all exist in the 'HERE NOW.' This is the concept behind the 'ONENESS' philosophy of mankind.

The Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, responds to man's thoughts. Our thoughts are things. And we use our thoughts to create our reality. We are where we are now because of all our previous thoughts.

We can change where we will be tomorrow by starting to change our thoughts. Have better thoughts and you create a better you and better future.

But it will not be instantaneous. It took time and thoughts to get where you are today. It will take time and thoughts to get where you want to be. No one can predict for themselves or for another the time it will take.

But what is the rush? The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us we continually 'blink out' (incarnate) and 'blink in' (die) into the Quantum Ocean. There is no permanent Death, only the in and out.

Part two will explain the concept of the Divine blueprints and Divine timing in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Rune Radionics Karl Welz Biography


Karl Hans Welz, Inventor of the Orgone Generator. Karl Hans Welz is from Telfs/Tirol, near Innsbruck, Austria. At a very early age he has developed a fascination for science in general and for the stars in particular. Consequently he has read eagerly any book on astronomy,

astrophysics, mathematics and physics that he could get hold of. At age 16 he became interested in the subject of hypnosis. He began studying this discipline, later he perfected Autogenic Training and eventually, age 18, he began the practice of Hatha Yoga. This practice strengthened his then frail body within a few weeks and his overall condition and health improved considerably. Quite naturally these spectacular results gave Karl an incentive to explore other sciences that were not part of his academic curriculum.

Studies and practice in astrology, practical magic, rune magic, and practice of various forms of life energy technology such as astral traveling and clairvoyance followed within one year. He studied the works of Mesmer, Korschelt, von Reichenbach, Tesla, Lahkowski, and others. At age 19 Karl began his graduate studies in mathematics and physics. Several times he interrupted his academic studies to travel extensively. In the course of these travels he gained valuable information about magical practices and the use of life force in many cultures and traditions and he came in contact with many gifted teachers and adepts on the subject-matter.

During his stays in South Africa, Switzerland, West Berlin and, since 1974, the United States of America, he continued his studies which he then rounded off with general semantics, radionics, Reichian psychology, and orgone physics. Shortly after his arrival in the United States, he built his first orgone accumulators and conducted multiple experiments with these devices. It was obvious that what Reich called orgone was the same form of energy that he had explored for more than a decade before knowing of Reich. In fact, a device he built years earlier following the plans of Korschelt was an orgone accumulator. Korschelt called his device a "Solar Ether Radiation Apparatus" -- its plans are dating back to 1897. Mesmer's barrels with iron filings, also built and tested by Welz, were obviously the earliest orgone accumulators of which we know that were built by a scientist with the accumulation of life force in mind. Therefore we can safely say that Franz Anton Mesmer was the inventor of the life force generator one and a half centuries before Reich.

Soon he realized that orgone can be projected at any distance and that this projection follows structural links. This is a fact that was evident to people of all ages and cultures who harnessed life force, such as shamans, conjurers, spiritual workers, magicians, and healers. For this type transfer he had to develop a mathematical model that accounts for this phenomenon. This model also accounts for many of the amazing phenomena of ESP, magic, radionics, even astrology.

In 1992 he invented the orgone generator. This new device is a significant step beyond the mere accumulating of orgone energy as happens inside the orgone accumulator. Furthermore he realized soon that the pulsed orgone energy (which only an orgone generator can produce -- or a rotating planet) transforms DOR (deadly orgone) back into orgone energy. Consequently the problem of "orgone accumulators going bad" when afflicted by DOR was successfully and effectively counteracted with a technological device for the first time in history. More striking proof of this characteristic of orgone generators was gained when he invented a DOR generator. The orgone generator proved to be an effective way to counteract the negative effects of devices that develop DOR when operating, such as radioactive smoke detectors, fluorescent tubes, TV screens, and other electromagnetic pollution.

Soon he recognized that the orgone generator can be a significant help in many practices involving the use of life energy (or orgone) such as the development and practice of ESP, magic, and trend generation with the help of astrological energies. Extensive testing confirmed that orgone that is pulsed in low frequencies (Alpha, Theta, Delta states, etc.) is considerably more effective to cause the corresponding brain wave states than any one of the now obsolete methods that use sound, light, or electric pulses.

The orgone generator has been on the market since early 1993. Thousands of these devices have been sold all over the world to persons who decided to gain an edge in their various aspirations. In 1994 Mr. Welz invented a new orgone accumulating material that is significantly more effective than the traditional materials such as layers of steel wool and fiber glass or celotex. This new material allows to make powerful orgone generators of very small size!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Visit my Blogs:

Friday, May 2, 2008

Rune Radionics


Use the added power of rune radionics to attract the runic energies you want out of the Quantum Ocean and into your life.

In these very difficult times we need to regenerate the virtues of our Viking ancestors. Strength (Rune UR) --- Courage ( Rune TYR) --- Victory (Rune SIG) --- Wisdom (Rune OS) --- Individuality (Rune IS). Rune radionics is one way to do this.

We have entered the 21st Century. This is the time of electronics, internet, e-books, runes, rune radionics and RUNIC orgone technology

You can use rune radionics for your rune magic, rune yoga, rune meditation, rune healing, bind rune power, and rune breathing exercise.

Rune Radionics

The Runes are ancient esoteric keys to the Universal Creative Energies. The rune energies existed long before Odin hung on the Yggdrasil Tree and rediscovered them.

Runic energies even existed long before man used language. Runes are much more than a Viking alphabet. Runes are much more than divination tools, Runes are much more than symbols for ritualistic rune magic.Runes are keys to creation!

Each of us has within us a runic destiny and each of us have put ourselves exactly where we are today by the choices we have made.Whether or not we are following our rune destiny is due to our choices. The choice of energies we allowed into our lives.Runes help us make better choices.Runes help us to redefine and recreate our lives. Runes can help us to change our Destiny!

Rune Radionics

Radionics has been around for about 100 years. But the working principles behind Rune Radionics have been around for thousands of years. Every shaman, medicine man, magician of the past knew about the working principles of Rune Radionics. Only they called them by different names. And they thought that their power came from the Gods/Goddesses. We now know that it is from the Quantum Ocean. And we can tap into it with the runes.<

Rune Radionics can now be explained as the Rune Magic of the 21st century.

The three working principles of Rune Radionics are:

A Power Source

A Treatment (runes)

A Target

Runic Radionics Life-Force (prana, galama, ond, chi, etc) is the power source behind Rune Radionics.It penetrates all space. It is the carrier of runic energy to and from the Quantum Ocean.

The Radionics Treatment is what you want to achieve with this magic. It is the runic energy you want to attract out of the Quantum Ocean into your aura. Rune Radionics uses Runes as the treatment.

The radionics Target is you or whoever you want the runic energy to go to. (rune healing at a distance)

The Rune Radionics Device whether it is electronic, a black box, an orgone generator, or even drawn on a piece of paper is the Matrix. A Rune Matrix is the playing field where the Rune radionics Magic takes place.


When you set up your Rune Radionics device, you place a Rune (URAZ for health) on the radionics sending (treatment) plate and your photo on the radionics receiving (target) plate.

The radionics Life-Force generated by the Rune Radionics Device makes the connection with the Quantum Ocean. It bring the Healing Runic Energy of URAZ to the photo.

Your photo is a similar structure to you. In the Quantum Ocean there is no distance between similar structures. So the Rune Life-Force enters the photo and ENTERS YOU!

That was an over simplification. But it is important when using a Rune Radionics Device to have a basic understanding of what is happening.

Your Mind is a radionics device. It is a powerful tool and will aid you tremendously when it knows what it is your are trying to do.


The new science of Rune Radionics and Runic Orgone Technology allows for multi-shaped orgone devices that will act as both power source and matrix.

Simple hand drawn Rune Radionics diagrams are Radionics Devices. One of my spiritual teachers, I.F. over 35 years ago drew one for me on a piece of paper.

Many years before Rune Radionics Devices were built. He said to me "This is for you. It is very powerful, show it to no one. For in the hands of evil people, evil will be done."

It stayed hidden in one on my many boxes of notes these some 35 years. Till I started to study Quantum Physics and stumbled onto Karl Welz's Rune Radionics website.

A light bulb went on and I searched my boxes till I found the piece of paper with the hand drawn radionics diagram. I smiled. My teacher way back then saw the coming of the Radionics Age. And in his wisdom knew that I would be involved. So he gave me a head start. When I read about Quantum Physics and saw Karl's rune radionics site, I knew what I had to do. The road to Rune Radionics.

Everybody has the right to health, wealth and happiness. But what methodology was there available to create these?

Now Rune Radionics is the methodology. It combines the rune wisdom of the past with the science of the future.

Rune Magic, Rune Yoga, Rune Meanings, Rune Healing, Rune Readings, Rune Radionics, Rune Meditations, Rune Breathing all attract runic energies out of the Quantum Ocean.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Visit my Blogs:

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

How-To Attract Wealth With Radionics

How-To Attract Wealth With KARL HANS WELZ JU99 Radionics Device

JU99 is an inexpensive radionics (Life-Force Generator) created by Karl Welz

A Radionic Device contains 3 components:

(1) A Power Source

(2) A Treatment (symbol or what do you want?)

(3) A Target (Photo or Transfer Disk

How Do You Attract Money With a Radionics Device? The JU99 uses the powerful material called Orgonite invented by Karl Welz, as its Power Source. This produces the life-force. The Silver Tube on the JU99 directs the flow of the life-force. The Transfer Disk which is placed over the Silver Tube transfers the life-force to the Transfer Disk you carry in your pocket or purse.

This transfers life-force to your Aura 24/7. Distance does not make a difference. You can be a thousand miles away from the JU99 and get the life-force as long as you have your transfer disk on you. This statement has been proven by the 21st century Laws of Quantum Physics. The Money Symbol (treatment telling the Universe you want more money) is placed in front of the Silver Tube.

How-To Attract Money With Quantum Physics. Quantum Physics tells us that all energy exists in an infinite ocean, called the Quantum Ocean. There is no time in the Quantum Ocean . No past, present nor future. ONLY THE NOW! You can attract energy out of the Quantum Ocean using the Law of Resonnant Frequencies.

Placing the Money symbol (treatment) in front of the JU 99 silver tube causes a stream of money modulated life-force to flow to the Quantum Ocean. The Quantum Ocean then pours out pulsating waves (Quantum Physcis Laws) towards the Target. YOU.

These money energies are waves of money possibilities and money opportunities, not gold bars. By having your aura filled with money possibilities and money opportunities the money in the physical world will be attracted to you. Like attracts like! Law of Attraction Also proved by Quantum Physics. The money will come to you through phone calls, mail, people, events, tickets, ideas, etc, etc, etc

It is still up to you to cash the money possibilities and the money opportunities into CASH! Listen to your intuition and your hunches, answer your mail, pick up the phone, talk to strangers.


How-To Attract Money Using JU99 Radionics Device. The JU99 creates life-force with its orgonite center. The life-force is transmitted through the silver tube. The transfer disk on the silver tube sends a continuous stream of life-force to the transfer disk in your pocket or purse 24/7, at any distance.


By placing the Money symbol in front of the silver tube a stream of modulated life-force enters the Quantum Ocean and causes pulsating waves of energy to enter your aura. These are waves of money possibilities and money opportunities. You then turn these money opportunities and money possibilities into CASH BY FOLLOWING YOUR INTUITION AND ANSWERING YOUR MAIL, PHONE CALLS AND TALKING TO STRANGERS!


Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

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